Happy New Year!
Happy New Year to you all!
I hope you're all overdosed on pigs in blankets and spent some well needed, quality time with your families (I know did).
I personally love New Year; I see it as a fresh start and another year of opportunity and progression. I LOVE to set myself resolutions and I always go into great depth thinking about what the year is going to bring to me. I know this isn't everyone’s thing, some people see it as ‘just another year’, but I want to live this year to the fullest that I possibly can. Of course I always have to set the obligatory 'eat healthy' or 'lose 10 stone' resolution, which normally last all of 1 week. However...I do aim to better myself this year and put myself first. I love where my makeup journey is taking me already; last year had its ups and downs (but doesn’t ever year?) although one thing it did bring was heaps and heaps of confidence within myself. I have always been one of those people who brings myself down, I can be mega negative (another resolution - positive vibes ONLY) but last year I saw a difference in my work and my outlook which I love, I hope this year brings me even more confidence and improvement. No raining on my parade.
I have decided that I also want to be more dedicated to my blog; I was a bit on and off last year, my bad. BUT this year I am going to aim to publish a blog post each week for you guys, whether that be makeup, beauty or lifestyle related. I know you all loove knowing what I get up to, lol.
I wish you all the success, happiness and positivity for 2017.
Watch this Space.