Meeting my makeup hero...Jamie Genevieve!
Hey you guys!
I have been SO excited to blog this. AHHHHH where do I start?! Yesterday I met my absolute makeup hero/ inspiration/ girl crush Jamie Genevieve. It's more than safe to say it was one of the best days of my life. Obviously I'm going to give you guys a blog about my day, it’s a must...I mean who can't love Jamie, right?
So basically I heard about this opportunity on Instagram, Manchester Arndale had arranged this massive makeup event called Manchester MADE UP. It was a chance to get all the nearby Manchester bloggers, newspaper press and retailers together and have a massive makeup how to session. This event was then opened up to the public on the Saturday and Sunday. Manchester Arndale announced they were going to pick one lucky winner and give them the chance to attend this VIP event, get to mix with all the bloggers, drink prosecco (I needed 10 of these) and the best part *drum roll please*...MEET AND HAVE YOUR MAKEUP DONE BY JAMIE! So obviously I entered, waited for the winner to be announced, and it was me!! Initially I was more excited that I had actually won something...I never win anything and even if I never win anything again, I do not care, because this was the best thing that I could ever win...EVER.
So I got ready, did my makeup super nice, even though she would be wiping it all off I wanted her to see my makeup skills, and off I went. I took Jen, one of my friends from university. We were greeted with prosecco and really cute cupcakes, and mixed with all the bloggers. I was then interviewed by Manchester Evening News in which I sipped on another prosecco and waited to meet Jamie. When she walked over it was as if I had met her time and time before, she was so genuine! (I was star struck…majorly) Conversation flowed and we both got on really well. She is an amazing person, and super talented. I was told she was doing three looks on me. (Super winged out liner, the perfect pout and contoured skin). Jamie actually complimented my base makeup and said that she didn't want to take it off for the demo, she just went over it slightly to show the technique. (Best compliment EVER?!) My makeup turned out incredddd. I took way too many selfies...I have an excuse; there was a selfie booth. I honestly didn't want to take it off.
It was the best experience in my entire life and it definitely went to the right person, I couldn’t appreciate it more. I’ll remember it forever! I hope to meet Jamie again soon, but for now I will continue watching her makeup tutorials and spending way too much money on the products that she recommends. She's already followed me on instagram so I best get posting those amaZING grunge eye looks lol.
I HAD to tell you guys about this experience, sorry for the overloading of blog posts, I know I've already posted one today.
Speak soon,
Jess x